Another great range tool feature (Apple)

The range tool trick referenced here? ​

You can also use it to speed/up slow down a clip. Just select the portion you want to go slower or faster - just the specific area you want to adjust inside​ a clip.​

If you choose any value under 30%? I'd suggest changing the View Quality (from the menu category)​ to Optical Flow (an method to create synthetic frames for smoother slow motion.)

FCPX tips like this will be in sessions at NAB/Post Production World

Jeff Greenberg
This is my really short bio. Once upon a time, I was a premed student who foolishly took a film class (and I was over 25 at the time!) I now teach the technologies involved in film/video. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

Watermark everything (Compression)


Find out if you've dropped frames (Premiere)