Virtual training
should be engaging and fun!
Nobody wants to be on Zoom more than they have to.
Can Virtual Training be as good as in person?
The backstory:
11 years ago, I was tasked to teach 8 hour classes online.
I tried it. It was a terrible experience for me and for the students.
It was a chore for everyone. Nobody wanted to be there.
Two years ago, I figured out how to make it work and feel good.
Here are the rules.
Short days. No longer than 3 hours.
Short weeks. No more than 3 days in a row.
Those two guarantee that people don’t get bored and get a chance to practice.
Prior to class:
We check that everyone is setup and working with media.
When class begins, we’re ready to go, go go!
What equipment will I need?
A laptop or desktop system capable of running the software.
Two monitors is preferred but not essential. This means you can have your software on one monitor and the instructor on the other.
A headphone set and microphone is essential. Check that you have a steady reliable internet connection.
What is the cost?
Generally, it’s around $125-250 an hour, depending on the amount of students, the software and the technical difficulty.
Everything is custom to your group.
Can I keep the training footage after the class?
Yes. Media and any handouts can be used to progress your learning.
Will I get a recording?
Yes. Sessions can be recorded and distributed as soon as we can.