20 Adobe Premiere Pro tips in under 20 minutes.
I've mentioned this enough - here it is. 20 tips, 20 minutes, no extra junk.
Session on Presets, Compression and Adobe Media Encoder
Fun session about one of my favorite topics - Video compression and Adobe Media Encoder....
Keycode Media Post NAB show!
Had a blast - 90 slides, loads of information, in exactly 30 min.
Notes for download available here.
Compression Workshop
This is my favorite class!!!
Thanks for your patience!
Here's each of the individual talks and a zip file of all of them together
Compression Workshop Opening Deck.
Greenberg's Rules of Compression
Formats and you
Planning better compression
h264 and beyond
Post Production World 2014
Wow, clearly I've been killing myself- no blog posts. Loads of twitter.
I have a project that's almost finished (was hoping to get it done at the end of January), February was the Editors Retreat, and all of March has been a railroad ride to:
Post Production World, 2014.
I'm doing another bucket of sessions and I was inspired by this post by Scott Simmons about what he's doing...so here we go! So, here's my schedule (if you're attending!)
If you attend my sessions, please, just ask anything you want. let me worry about if it's on topic; if it's not, I'll make time for you after the session is over!
In fact, if you have a question before the conference starts, like "Hey, are you going to cover X or Y?" Please email me.
Saturday, April 5th
12-3pm Boot Camp: Getting Started with Adobe Premiere Pro N260
This is a 'hit the ground' running 3 hour class on Adobe Premiere Pro. While it's labeled for complete novices, there isn't really time for things like what makes a good edit. This class is great for the transitioning editor...producers who want a 'feel' for how Adobe Premiere Pro works....and generally anyone who is self taught and finds editorial a struggle.
5:30-6:45pm Producing and Directing Multicamera Productions N259
With more and more productions having multiple cameras accessable to content creators, this session is a primer in the prep, direction and post with muticam, regardles of NLE. Special Guest Star Abba Shapiro will be hanging out and speaking with me.
Sunday, April 6th
11:45-1pm Get the Best Export: Mastering Export in FCP X/Compressor N260
Most of this session will live inside of Apple Compressor. We're going to plumb the depths of the way compressor works and make everyone capable of calculating data rates in their head. Seriously. And yes, I promise, it'll be fun too!
2-3:15pm Mastering Timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro N256
Three point editing. Trimming. Subtle interface adjustments. These are some of the gems I've learned in using Adobe Premiere Pro and from the book I just finished called Adobe Premiere Pro Studio Techniques.
3:30-4:45pm Premiere Pro Super Tips & Hidden Gems with Abba Shapiro N256
This "Dueling Pianos" format is between superstar and Master Trainer Abba Shapiro and myself as well find those gems and nuggets that are often missed. Come find out at least five things you didn't know Adobe Premiere Pro could do.
5-6:15pm Unlocking the Secrets of FCP X with Abba Shapiro N260
Yeah. and then Abba and myself rush over and do the same thing in FCPX. Seriously. And it's totally different. If you have dismissed FCPX as not being professional, come see the hidden tricks that lay under it's surface. It's educational. It's entertaining. It's a "don't miss" class.
Monday, April 7th
9-10:15am Mastering the Timeline in FCP X N260
The Timeline index. Audition. Trimming. There are some gems inside of FCPX editorial side - some of which are really smart insights on the way editorial happens. If you use FCPX (or if you're thinking about it) this is a fantastic insight to what editorial is like using this tool.
10:30-11:45pm Quick Looks and Color Grades in Final Cut Pro X N260
From the Color board through third party tools, I'm going to make sure you can do the basics of reading scopes and being able to perform primary and secondary grades in FCPX. With only 75 minutes, we're not going to cover the kitchen sink, but we are going to give you a strong strategy on how to color correct.
Tuesday, April 8th
10-1pm IN-DEPTH: Color Correction & Grading in Avid MC & Symphony N264
Avid's Media composer is designed for a full color correction environment. You'll learn to read scopes (hint, if you don't know what you're doing with the RGB parade, you need to be in this session), learn a strategy on how to color correct and see a fantastic third party tool called Baselight.
5-6:15pm Hot Panel: The Art of Editing (Moderator) N260
Sitting on this panel are Christine Steele (one of my co-authors for the Adobe Premiere Pro Studio Techniques book) Hector Berrebi, the dashing Maxim Jago and of course, Scott Simmons as we chat about Editorial technique, strategies when the edit isn't working...and strategies when the client isn't working.
Wednesday, April 9th
10-6:15pm FULL DAY: Video Compression N257
Yeah, you read that right. Want to learn Video Compression from top to tails? From frame sizes to how HEVC is going to be implemented. Then show up. I promise you a day that is fun, education and keeps you awake - the exact opposite of what you'd expect a day long workshop on Video Compression to do. We'll touch on all the major tools and give you some new tools to add to your arsenal.
DMDC 2013
Ok, notes are uploaded!
Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline
Power Editing Techniques in Avid Media Composer.
Yes, you should feel free to email if you have questions (or need to talk about consulting/training!)
That'd be Rich Harrington, Robbie Carman, Ben Kozuch and myself!
QuickSand. Bonus Document backup sanity.
Yeah, I found one of those gems that everyone who owns a mac should use.
It's called Quicksand.
Super simple explanation: Copy the last 50 files that I've been working on to a cloud service (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
Think about that. Working on an important document? Synced.
It's donationware and the developer (I'd hate to call him a kid, but he is all of 15.) I just sent him money to 'encourage' him to keep doing it.
Let's get back to your files.
They're backed up to "a cloud." For me, right now, it's dropbox because I pay the extra amount for 100 gigs.
Items that would make *perfect* sense to sync.
- Recent word processing documents
- Presentations
- That photoshop file you just touched up.
- Your current directory of editorial projects* (I'd tell it to ignore .mov files so it doesn't do the QuickTime files.
Those things you're working on today? The important ones? Yeah, they're the ones you haven't backed up yet.
And Quicksand is a clever way to backup those files to the cloud.
Before you say, hey Jeff, what about backups, understand I don't trust backups.
I happen to: Use Time Machine, *and* backup to two different drives.
Time Machine problem 1: It only works on your boot drive; I have an SSD and my iPhoto library is over 100 gigs because of Sophie. That means, it had to come off my system drive. That resides on a RAID 5 (and yes, it has an extra backup too!)
TM Problem 2: I've had Time Machine Fail.
So, I also use SuperDuper (I paid for it and it's a wee bit faster than Carbon Copy Cloner) for a live working backup of my machine.
And for you full blown paranoia fans, when I travel, I have an extra drive that is another backup of my live machine. (Yes, I should really store a backup offsite, but uploading 200+ gigs doesn't sound like any level of easy.)
But Quicksand? It's part of my 'most important' utilities now.
NAB 2013 Day 5 Practical Video Compression and FCPX tips
Last Day of NAB!
Practical Compression in a Post Youtube World session notes here.
Wait, where are the FCPX tips? It's always unique - Abba and I go in with no plan (beyond there being 4-5 tips we each want to do.) So, sadly, there isn't a way to give you the tips we covered.
But you have my email from this site; you can reach abba by going to NAB at ShapiroVideo dot com.
NAB 2013 Day 4 FCPX Titling and Adobe Media Managment
Two sessions (and a great panel on the Art of Editing.)
The first one was getting the most out of FCPX and Motion to improve and take control of Titling.
The second was a technique to minimize media headaches in the CS6 Pro video tools in Prelude, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, After Effects, Audition, Speedgrade and Media Encoder.
Here is the common media folder from the book (essentially a bunch of folders zipped up in a structure). This technique is from our book an Editor's Guide to Adobe Premiere Pro.
NAB 2013 Day 3 - Best Editorial Techniques in FCPX
Editorial is editorial is editorial. This session covered how to implement basic and advanced editorial techniques in FCPX. Notes are here.
NAB notes...
I'm not procrastinating...just exhausted. All my notes should be posted by Friday!