DMDC - Government video show
This is a placeholder while the event goes on. - UPDATED Friday morning.
As I finish sessions, I like to post notes - but I also like to come back and finalize after the show is finished. And yes, this post will change over the next several days.
Presented so far
- 50+ Premiere tips
- Secrets of Compression for online & devices
- Speeding up your Avid workflow with AMA
- 20 extra tips in Premiere for the District Creative Group
- FCPX tips (No notes, but contact info)
- Fix it in post
NAB 2013 Day 4 FCPX Titling and Adobe Media Managment
Two sessions (and a great panel on the Art of Editing.)
The first one was getting the most out of FCPX and Motion to improve and take control of Titling.
The second was a technique to minimize media headaches in the CS6 Pro video tools in Prelude, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, After Effects, Audition, Speedgrade and Media Encoder.
Here is the common media folder from the book (essentially a bunch of folders zipped up in a structure). This technique is from our book an Editor's Guide to Adobe Premiere Pro.