DMDC - Government video show
This is a placeholder while the event goes on. - UPDATED Friday morning.
As I finish sessions, I like to post notes - but I also like to come back and finalize after the show is finished. And yes, this post will change over the next several days.
Presented so far
- 50+ Premiere tips
- Secrets of Compression for online & devices
- Speeding up your Avid workflow with AMA
- 20 extra tips in Premiere for the District Creative Group
- FCPX tips (No notes, but contact info)
- Fix it in post
Advanced Media Composer tips
Tip sessions are my favorite. They're unique, custom to the room - based on everyone's needs. My favorite saying is:
“I want to show you something so cool it makes you cry”
...and then find a dozen or so things to make each person in the room cry.
But there're no notes from sessions like this because it's so custom. If you have a question about something I did during the session, feel free to ask me in the comments or email me.
BCC - The Best Effects you're not using
Boris Continuum Complete are installed on nearly every pre version 6 Avid. These effects came bundled with the tools.
Except most people don't know them and don't know the little tricks to get them to solve all sorts of problems in Media Composers compositing model - for example, you don't alt drag a boris effect onto a title.
Of course, I couldn't cover all the effects, but I did cover how to decode the effects and get new and current users over a number of little stumbling blocks.
PDF of notes from the session.
Advanced Compression with Avid and Squeeze
Sorenson Squeeze comes with your Avid. It's crucial that you understand how to get your materials from your Avid (beyond just the send to template). We also discussed the basics of compression, how to get better looking YouTube videos, the CUDA acceleration in Squeeze and 360 Sorenson where you can host some content for free.
Script Sync and Phrase Find
These two technologies from Avid have ruined me as an editor. Once you use them, you'll never want to try editorial any other way.
Scriptsync syncs takes to a script (fantastic for narrative/script based editorial) or to a transcript (fantastic for documentary based.)
Phrasefind indexes spoken words.
Digital Cinema Camera Workflows in Avid Media Composer
First Session at the LA Post Conference.
Had a great time with Michael Kammes of Keycode Media. Seriously, go check out his Web site for all sorts of fantastic technical knowledge.
Here is the PDF of the keynote presentation we showed.
Two quick videos:
One from Bob Russo (a fantastic guy from Avid) on XDCAM workflows
The second from Alex Walker on DSLR Workflows