NY November MoPictive Event at AbleCine

I miss New York. I recently got a chance to return to the [NY MoPictive User group](http://mopictive.org). Last time I was there was 4-5 years ago. And I was there in the very first year!

I came to do 20 Adobe Premiere Pro tips and talk about the Editors Retreat. As always, I got to hang out with wonderful people and hopefully keep alive independent work!

I said I'd provide my notes. To get them you need to sign up for my mailing list. Super easy (and yes, if you really want to unsubscribe it's okay.)  Included is my Alpha of my search bins project. (with instructions!)

Link is here to signup

They meet at AbleCine - Probably the best place to get and rent professional gear. I showed up early and learned why they're the leader in such things (and why you don't want to just rent from random people.) They do extensive calibration on each camera and lens each time it goes out.

Jeff Greenberg
This is my really short bio. Once upon a time, I was a premed student who foolishly took a film class (and I was over 25 at the time!) I now teach the technologies involved in film/video. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

Government Video Show and the Digital DC Creatives


New York Post Production Show