Quickly adjust/duck audio with the Range tool (Apple)

The Range tool (R) permits you do to all sorts of range based selections and adjustments.

One of the coolest is to use the range tool, select a part of music (or other audio element that you want to duck) and just pull down the Audio level​ line - FCPX will automatically add 4 keyframes to help you lower only​ inside that specific​ range.

FCPX tips like this will be in sessions at NAB/Post Production World

Jeff Greenberg
This is my really short bio. Once upon a time, I was a premed student who foolishly took a film class (and I was over 25 at the time!) I now teach the technologies involved in film/video. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

The difference in size when choosing VBR vs. CBR


An Optional/Alternative way to add a track in Avid.